Welcome to the Dream-Room in my mind palace, where I have spent my high school years delving into the topics that I’ve always wanted to research and write about. 

This experience helped me gain a more positive relationship with writing as I was able to explore my interests and identity through topics I really enjoy. Art, computer science, business, technological innovation, liberal arts… These topics inspire me to just dream about the endless possibilities of innovation and development no matter how absurd it may seem. These topics provide me a space to dream- with context.  

One essay I especially enjoyed writing was “Building a Solution” because of the creativity behind it. I used illustrations and flowcharts to take the reader through my thought process when solving a problem. Rather than just writing about the topic at hand, I had to interact with the reader as if I was having a conversation. At the same time, this process helped me understand and get a better grasp on how to really engage the reader in my writing, to effectively communicate what I’m trying to say. 

My case study on Karlie Kloss introduced me to a role model who seek to combine computer science and her interests in modelling and business. My research on artists Ryoji Ikeda and Jeffrey Shaw and research projects from MIT Media lab provided me with insights into the potentials of art and technology as not only a means for creating user interactive experiences but also innovative solutions to real world problems. 

In the future, I plan to take control of my writing and create more anthologies that explores more topics that I am passionate about. This anthology may sound like just a bunch of essays, but for me it is an artwork that I have carefully crafted and curated. I hope to create anthologies that are presented in ways that embrace the content of the writing such that they go hand in hand. Therefore, at college, I am excited to gather equally passionate individuals who all have a voice to be heard and a vision to be shared.