Digital Collaging and Photoshop


Oblique, 2020

Digital Collage

The minimalist, black and white series inspired by Gilbert Garcin reduce the evidence of liveliness in human spaces with the geometric blocks as makeshift walls and floors. The result is surreal domestic scenes encapsulated in time. However, the actions of the subjects in each collage render the spaces recognizable as different rooms. Playing with simple shapes to represent everyday spaces allows viewers to imagine the interiors that are most familiar to them.


Triptych: Fitting, 2021

Digital Collage, 28 x 37 inch each

This triptych explores the different occurrences of mis-fitting in everyday life.

  • Posts that don’t fit tap into the social media side of “fitting”, where the figure forcibly squeezes herself into a pair of pants made of Instagram posts that are too small; essentially, I want to show that many people try to fit in an image of perfection on social media when in reality they are much more than filters and likes. Her obsession with her image is shown through the tv screen in replacement of her face and the rows of Instagram posts on the wall. 

  • Comfort on cactus features greek sculptures lounging on cactuses. I explore the irony in finding comfort in something prickly and painful, showing how those who appear one way may, in reality, feel another way. 

  • Can’t hold our trash takes on an environmental and science fiction side of “fitting”, commenting on how we ignore the limitations of our environment and continue to produce trash without considering its consequences for future generations, believing that space is infinite and to our disposal.


Touch Designer + Arduino