
‘Mistak-en’, 2021

Digital graphic novel strip

5 x 21 inch

‘Mistake-en’ follows the narrative of a girl walking through a door to another world she believes to be better than the world she is currently living in. After deciding and walking through the door, she is surrounded by all her fantasies of this world but it soon shatters as she is brought back to reality. She acknowledges the result of her choice and regrets it, trying to go back to her past world which she now sees as much more beautiful. Time passes and she slowly grows to accept reality and moves on. The narrative embodies my perception of a mistake. Pre-mistake: curious, excited, and firm on the choice, imagining its positive consequences. Mistake: the realization that this choice was a mistake. Post-mistake: regret that turns into acceptance. Through the perspective of the girl in the graphic novel strip, I hoped to highlight the importance of perspective in relation to mistakes.


Safety Net, 2021


Misfit, 2021