“I see a flower”, 2021

Sculpture, mixed media - flowers, spray paint, ink, glass, water (18 x 18 x 22 inches)

I explore the concept of ‘fixing’ from the perspective of the fixer but also the audiences’ perspective. On one side, I spray paint dead flowers back to their original vibrancy but the paint adds an artificial factor to it. On the other side of the flower bouquet, I leave the dead flowers as they are. I also added a broken glass vase to hold the flower. The installation, paired with sharp lighting, encourages viewers to walk around the flower and observe its change, from vibrant to dull and stark. Here, I express the permanence of something that is broken and its ability to “heal” based on one’s actions and perspectives. However, to the on-looker, something that is broken will never recover to what it was originally. Through a series of photographs, I present the stark contrasts between the two sides of the flower to express my ideas. 


Checkup, 2021


Twix, 2020