EMMIRA, 2017

This piece of work is influenced by the works of Pablo Thecuadro. The title is a combination of my two friends names Emma and Mira, reflecting on the technique I have used to intertwine these figures. 

The multiple layers of hands and faces represent overwhelming emotions and thoughts. The mirror-silhouettes at the back shows a form of emptiness, as well as allowing the viewer to be part of the work through reflection. Although the artwork is represented by physical appearance, the cutting and layering of the pieces show an expression of "unpiecing" someone's thoughts and emotions. The mirror is to show the audience's own reflection, to show them that physical appearance is just a frame, a shield for everything happening on the inside. 

To create this piece of work, I chose a number of photos taken from the day and printed them out. Everything started as a draft where I cut every photo into a distinct shape following the facial features of the figure and layered them on top of each other. With the draft, I printed out the final chosen photos and used spray glue to stick them onto cardboard. The shapes outlined with the draft were cut out and the pieces were layered over each other. I used the remaining cardboard as the background on top of a reflective board to frame this work.

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Raw, 2018


Letters to the Future, 2019