Raw, 2018

This is a paper clay sculpture of a woman in a costume. The costume is organic in form and cylindrical inspired by the works of Keti Anastaki’s exaggerated and distorted human forms which began my research into costumes, fashion, culture and most importantly, paper clay sculptures. Through my research, I found two paper clay ceramists, Graham Hay, and Edna Dickinson, who both create structures which resemble organisms and flowing shapes. Learning paper clay for the first time, the works of Graham Hay also taught me to use the properties of paper clay to my advantage when creating this work. Many of his pieces are created with shapes created separately and attached onto a mold after drying. The result is mesmerizing with the work composing of many similar shapes sticking out. This is what inspired the design of this work.

Raw, 2018.jpg

Figure, 2019


EMMIRA, 2017