Blurred lines.jpg

Blurred Lines

Verse 1

Tough spot

They’re callin him a liar


They say he was a father

Flip a coin, head or tails, what would you believe?

Too much

But way too little time to grieve

Maybe i don't even know what’s real or fake

How can i be like this when there’s lives at stake?

Gotta make a change one day at a time

Gotta put in the work to do what’s right


It’s normal to act and feel this way

When differences split us, night and day

But hear me say


There is so much to learn

There are voices to be heard

I don’t know about you

But i won't wait til lines are blurred

Trust me when i say

The whole world is what we make

So I don't know about you

But i won't wait til lines are blurred, the lines are blurred

Verse 2:


Are shinin' up above on high

Green paper

Is rushin, they don’t even try

but it’s black on the ground and everything beneath

Like bright lights

Shine only when it’s dark outside

“Blurred Lines” is a statement about observing from different perspectives and standing up for what we think is right. A lot of times, information is filtered by windows that make us only see the beauty in our society and not the grays that lie within: the conflicts between social economic classes and the choices between right and wrong. The protests in Hong Kong these years as well as the Black Lives Matter movement in the US/all around the world has inspired me to write this song to empower those to take action and believe in the power of being united for the same cause. Instead of arguing for what I think is right or wrong, I want to instead encourage everyone to stand against what they think is wrong and fight for what they believe is right to shape the community that they want to live in. In the song, I highlight that this back and forth between right and wrong is difficult, but it is nevertheless important because we are the ones who are responsible and in control to improve the world that we live in.


Where I'm From


Over You